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Your Message.
Magnetic to Customers.
Built to Sell.

WHAT is your message is infinitely more important than HOW you communicate it. 

That's why we invented The YCC Method.

It gets your message out of your head and into your customers' hearts and minds so you can sell more stuff, fast. 

To get started FREE, schedule an in-depth call where we'll review your message, find which gaps are robbing you of sales, and build the right solution.

We will never apologize for giving small business owners the marketing tools they need to serve their customers.

It's Not Your Fault.

Almost all marketing advice is by marketers, for marketers. It's obsessed with HOW to communicate your message more effectively, not WHAT your message should be.

The problem is that 90% or more of the decisions that determine whether your marketing will be successful are made before a professional marketer ever enters the room.

Unless you're also a marketing genius like Steve Jobs was or Richard Branson is, all the knowledge and skill that makes you good at what you do…

…Makes it difficult for you to share a message clear enough and powerful enough to get customers to buy.

It's not your fault. Every expert has to overcome this curse.

The good news is that you have all the answers you need to get your business marketing ready. All you need now is the right guide asking the right questions to get them out of your head. 

Make Your Business Magentic to Customers.

Take Charge of Your Marketing With The YCC Method.

There are Three Pillars to every marketing message.

The YCC Method guides you to craft and clarify those pillars so you can attract customers in droves.

[Y]ou — Your Magnetic Identity

People buy from people and companies they trust. You need a fully-realized, authentic identity, a distinct trait that differentiates you, and a clear motivation that captures hearts and minds.

[C]ustomers — Why They Buy

Customers are the lifeblood of every business. You need to a) identify their buying triggers, b) use your big idea to banish objections, and c) implant felt beliefs. Then they'll follow through and buy. 

[C]ompetitors — Your Irresistible Offer

The only competition that matters exists in your customer's mind. YCC is the key to package the perfect product, offering compelling value, at an irresistible price. An irresistible offer sells itself.

Your Message Is Your Responsibility.

Only You Have the Whole-Business Perspective to Clarify Your Message.

There's an iron-clad rule that most professional marketers know in their hearts is true, but will rarely acknowledge:

Garbage In = Garbage Out.

Your marketing is too important to leave to the creative whims of marketing people. 

Professional marketers are trained to improve HOW you communicate the message you give them. But they're not equipped or trained (and you don't want them empowered) to make the bet-the-business strategic decisions that determine WHAT your message should be.

If you want to implement your marketing efforts yourself, The YCC Method will give you frameworks so powerful your website and ads sometimes seem to virtually write themselves.

If you plan to leave the execution to the pros, The YCC Method will ensure your message is marketing ready.

Either way, a little effort ensuring you start with the right message is necessary to turn your marketing into a profit center.

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